Purulent rhinorrhea caused by rhinolith: Case report
Journal Title: Dicle Tıp Dergisi - Year 2013, Vol 40, Issue 2
Rhinolith is a mineralized mass around a calcified nidus in the nasal cavity. Sarı ile işaretlediğim ingilizce cümle türkçesinin tam karşılığı değildir.Major symptoms for the patients are foul-smelling nasal discharge and nasal obstruction. Rarely there is no symptom and may be diagnosed on routine examination. Rigid nasal endoscopy and computed tomography are the most important methods to be used in diagnosis. Treatment is removal of the rinolith. In this case we discussed a 43 years old male patient who had purulent rhinorrhea more than 30 years because of having a large rinolith in the left nasal cavity. Key words: Rhinolith, foreign body, rhinorrhea
Authors and Affiliations
Serdar Duman, Ahmet Kızılay
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