Reactions of the cardiovascular system during physical education classes in first grade primary school children
Journal Title: Antropomotoryka. Journal of Kinesiology and Exercise Sciences - Year 2012, Vol 22, Issue 58
[b]Aim of the study.[/b] Our study was aimed at the analysis of heart rate in school children aged 7 years in connection with the reaction of the circulatory system to running games employed during physical education classes.[b]Material and methods.[/b] Our research was comprised of a group of 100 pupils aged 7 years attending first grade in primary school. During physical education classes, we registered heart rate by means of the Team 2 System of the Polar Company. Five subsequent games of a running nature were introduced. Between the particular games, there was a 1-minute break each time for regeneration. Prior to the research, written consent of the participants’ parents was obtained. All the children had valid current medical certificates.[b]Results.[/b] The maximum average heart rate, amounting to 192.2 ± 14.5 beat/min, was observed during the 15th minute of the physical education class. In the cross-section of the first 3 games, we observed a significant increase (P ≤ 0.001) of heart rate in relation to the rest value. The applied physical load in the next 2 games brought about a decrease of the studied index. The lowest average heart rate, amounting to 142.6 ± 16.8 beat/min, was registered during the break between the third and the fourth games.[b]Conclusions.[/b] The conducted research showed a large changeability of intensity of effort during the implementation of the particular running games. This was proven by the sinusoidal course of heart rate. The highest average value of heart rate occurred during the third game, which can indicate the maximum stimulation of the cardiovascular system. The recreation processes after the first 3 running games are similar to one another, but after the completion of the fourth one they distinctly slow down, which may indicate the growing fatigue of the participants.
Authors and Affiliations
Paweł Chmura, Andrzej Rokita, Marek Popowczak, Ireneusz Cichy
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