The Defects of Postures of Bodies and the Development Somatic, Functional and Motor of the Rural Children in Book of Cristine Górniak <br />

Journal Title: Antropomotoryka. Journal of Kinesiology and Exercise Sciences - Year 2007, Vol 17, Issue 37


In her book Cristine Górniak tried to define a correlation between the quality of a body posture and level of sexual puberty, somatic development and physical fitness of rural children. She assumed that at the early period of development irregularities and flat foot were related to a developmental disharmony of children under research. The research was conducted in the years 1988–1999. It accounted for 1035 girls and 1025 boys aged 7–19 attending random selected schools of the bialskopodlaski county. A body posture was characterized by the Wolański point rating method and orthopedic examination. The Wejsflog’s foot prints were used to evaluate longitudinal foot arch. Physical fitness was defined on the grounds of Eurofit test. Next the material was processed by means of basic calculations.The body posture the girls and boys revealed high degree of inter-personal differentiation. The highest was the occurrence of kyphotic types, the lowest was the occurred types. Rural children were also characteristic of slight head, shoulder and abdomen protrusion, scapular settling and flattening of chest. Low degree scoliosis were present in 29,9% of girls and 32,6 % of boys. Lower limbs settlement was generally appropriate, knee valgity concerned 36,3% of researched and various deformity of 15,7%. Flat foot was dominant if longitudinal foot arch is concerned (58,3% – right foot, 56,1% – left foot). Low degree scoliosis and foot were mostly presentamong children at maturation age.The boys and girls with lateral scoliosis particular degrees of sexual puberty slower than their peers with a right body posture. Significant differences in the structure were observed among the girls and boys with regular feet. Physical fitness among the children did not very so much depending upon the changes in body posture and longitudinal foot arch. Only the boys with a right body posture aged 15–16 were better at functional and static strength test and at tapping test than their peers with scoliosis.[ Górniak K: Rozwój biologiczny dzieci wiejskich z wadami postawy ciała. Studia i Monografie, Warszawa, AWF, 2006; 106.]

Authors and Affiliations

Edward Mleczko


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How To Cite

Edward Mleczko (2007). The Defects of Postures of Bodies and the Development Somatic, Functional and Motor of the Rural Children in Book of Cristine Górniak <br /> . Antropomotoryka. Journal of Kinesiology and Exercise Sciences, 17(37), 157-162.