Реалізація принципів формування фонетичної компетентності у майбутніх учителів у процесі навчання англійської мови після німецької
Journal Title: Іноземні мови - Year 2016, Vol 88, Issue 4
У статті розглянуто принципи формування професійно-педагогічної фонетичної компетентності в другій іноземній мові: запропоновано класифікацію зазначених принципів за критерієм схожості/розбіжності з принципами навчання вимови першої іноземної мови, а також визначено шляхи реалізації виділених за цим критерієм ідентичних, модифікованих і специфічних принципів, що рекомендується враховувати в умовах навчання майбутніх учителів вимови англійської мови після німецької. Foreign language teachers’ correct pronunciation is one of the main indicators of their professionalism. Modern higher philological education in Ukraine provides students with an opportunity to specialize in at least two foreign languages, therefore, making it essential to form future teachers’ phonetic competence not only in the first but also in the second foreign language. The requirements for this process are determined by teaching principles which reflect the regularities of successful cognitive activity and skills/sub-skills formation. Scientists have minutely studied the principles of teaching the pronunciation of the first foreign language but the ones to be followed in the process of forming future teachers’ phonetic competence in English after German have been paid little attention to. Purpose. To analyze the realization of teaching principles while forming professional pedagogical phonetic competence in English as the second foreign language after German. Methods. Reviewing the studies on methodology of teaching the first and the second foreign language with the view to determining the main ways of realizing the principles of teaching the pronunciation of English after German to future teachers. Results. Having considered the existing scientific resources on forming communicative competence in a foreign language and taking into account the psycholinguistic peculiarities of future teachers’ pronunciation acquisition while studying English after German, the author suggests classifying all the principles according to the criterion of similarity/ difference with those used in teaching the first foreign language pronunciation. On the basis of it they are subdivided into three groups – identical, modified and specific. The research then proceeds to determining the ways of realizing the principles of each group while teaching the second foreign language pronunciation to future teachers. Conclusion. Every principle plays a significant role in forming professional pedagogical phonetic competence in English after German but their realization in combination makes the organizing of teaching process more effective. The prospects of the further elaboration of the study may involve working out the activities for forming future teachers’ phonetic sub-skills in English as the second foreign language after German.
Authors and Affiliations
О. А. Чухно
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