Journal Title: Іноземні мови - Year 2018, Vol 94, Issue 2
Im vorliegenden Artikel wurden die Deutschlehrbücher für Mädchenschulen der Bukowina in der Habsburger narchie (Anfang des XX. Jahrhunderts) beschrieben. Die truktur und der Inhalt der Deutschlehrwerke für Frauenschulen wurden analysiert. Die Lehrbücher der Bukowina und die Schulbücher von Wien wurden verglichen. Es ist bewiesen, dass es in der erforschten Phase keinen Unterschied zwischen der Struktur und dem Inhalt der für die Bukowina und für Wien bestimmten Lehrbücher gab. Die Analyse der gefundenen Lehrbücher in fremden Sprachen ermöglichte es festzustellen, dass die in Wien auf Deutsch publizierten Bücher in der Bukowina verwendet wurden. Die Lehrbücher für ukrainischsprachige Kinder, die in der Bukowina für das Erlernen der deutschen Sprache verfasst wurden, waren vom Ministerium für Kultus und Unterricht der Österreich-Ungarischen Monarchie in die Lehrprogramme nicht eingetragen. The article under discussion deals with the issue of textbooks in the German language for women’s schools in Bukovina at the time of the Austro - Hungarian Empire (the early XIX century). It contains the analysis of structure and contents of the above textbooks, as well as carries out a comparative research of the textbooks, used in Bukovina and Vienna. The author of the article also makes an attempt of grouping these textbooks. A thorough analysis of the textbooks found enables to claim that in Bukovina there have been used the manuals published in Vienna in the German language. There were no Ukrainian-language textbooks for teaching German compiled in Bukovina during the period under studies. However, it is worth mentioning that several Ukrainian language textbooks were published in Galicia. Consequently, it might be assumed that they could be also used for teaching German in Bukovina. On the other hand, there was none of them on the list of the textbooks recommended by the curriculum, which was approved by the Ministry of Religious Affairs and Education of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. The textbooks for teaching German, presented and analyzed in the investigation under discussion, were recommended by the curriculum and approved by the above Ministry of the Empire. The structure and the content of the German language textbooks prove the singularity of the period under investigation – the transition from the translation teaching methods to the direct ones, which had their own peculiarities at that time. This transition was implemented in the textbooks by means of presenting the theory in phonetics in the form of practical exercises, with the purpose of more efficient development of various language skills. Grammar was taught with the help of respective textbooks, whereas other skills and abilities were developed by means of reader books. Besides, the students’ vocabulary was enriched by reading literary works of different genres, while teaching speaking was conducted through doing the respective exercises, as well as reading the authentic literary works. Writing skills were improved by doing the exercises from textbooks. Reading in foreign language stipulated students’ thinking abilities, as well as promoted better understanding of the peculiarities of the foreign languagestructural system. The information which the students learned from the foreign language texts, lay in the fields of geography, history, and culture of the country the language of which they were studying.
Authors and Affiliations
Б. Лабінська
Моделювання процесу навчання професійно орієнтованого наукового писемного мовлення майбутніх викладачів англійської мови
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