The manner of leading an orchestra, communication with musicians, management style – these are the aspects of work with an ensemble that depend on the choices and decisions made by a conductor. The research proves that...
Artykuł porusza kwestię niezastąpionej roli rodziców w procesie umuzykalnienia dzieci, który to proces najskuteczniej przebiega w bezpośrednim kontakcie rodzica z dzieckiem. W nawiązaniu do sytuacji spotykanych w tradyc...
The article summarizes a nationwide discussion on the project concerning a new music discipline that elevates music education. It outlines its assumptions in terms of theory and practice. It also explores new notions con...
Personality is a complex and broad notion. in order to get to know a human and define their personality traits, it is necessary to look closely at numerous aspects of their behavior and ac- tivity. the milieu of musician...
EP ID EP422515
DOI 10.5604/01.3001.0012.8033
Views 106
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How To Cite
Barbara Dominiak (2018). Realizacja zadania jako sposób pracy nad interpretacją ruchową dzieła muzycznego. "Konteksty Kształcenia Muzycznego", 5(1),
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The manner of leading an orchestra, communication with musicians, management style – these are the aspects of work with an ensemble that depend on the choices and decisions made by a conductor. The research proves that...
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Choirmasters’ personality profile
Personality is a complex and broad notion. in order to get to know a human and define their personality traits, it is necessary to look closely at numerous aspects of their behavior and ac- tivity. the milieu of musician...