Report on National Scientific Conference: EDUCATION IN THE CONTEXT OF NEEDS – POSSIBILITIES – SOLUTIONS, Słupsk-Ustka, 29th September to 1th October 2016
Journal Title: Theory and Practice of Social Systems Management - Year 2017, Vol 2, Issue 1
Authors and Affiliations
Iryna Surina, Iwona Gumowska
The Role of Sense of Meaning in Readaptation of Prisoners
The article is devoted to the problem of the influence of subjective psychological mechanisms in the readaptation process. Specialists dealing with research on social rehabilitation indicate that we can talk about readap...
The Effectiveness of the Aggression Replacement Training in the Context of Externality and Internality Disorders of Adolescents at Risk of Social Maladjustment
The article contains results of an experimental study conducted in a juvenile therapeutic facility. The research was carried out among adolescents at risk of social maladjustment staying at a sociotherapeutic facility. O...
Scientific Toys in Mathematical Education
This article studied the effect of the application of scientific toys on motivation in learning mathematics. A hybrid level of motivation is offered. The differentiation between methodological and technological instrumen...
Formal Debate on the 45th Anniversary of the Curatorial Center No. 1 at the District Court in Słupsk – report from the event
Problems with Motivating Students for Active Learning
The article discusses the motivational sphere and the problem of student motivation towards active learning. The etymology of the concept of motivation and motivation for active learners of pedagogical specialties has be...