Resuscytacja noworodka bezpośrednio po porodzie – zalecenia
Journal Title: Na Ratunek - Year 2017, Vol 1, Issue 3
Despite the fact that prehospital births are rare and the prehospital resuscitation of a newborn is even less frequent, every emergency team member should be able to properly help both a mother and her child. The majority of patients will only require proper lung aeration, umbilical cord clamping and temperature control. However in some cases Advanced Life Support procedures can be lifesaving. Knowledge of current guidelines, proper equipment and a systematic plan of action are indispensable to achieve this goal.
Authors and Affiliations
mgr Jakub Mierzejewski, mgr Marcin Rybakowski, mgr Karol Juskowiak, mgr Michał Chyra, mgr Tomasz Magdziak
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