Review on Soldering In Prosthodontics
Journal Title: IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences (IOSR-JDMS) - Year 2019, Vol 18, Issue 3
The fabrication of a multiunit fixed partial denture may include a soldering step to assemble the individual components. The decision to solder is based on the accumulated inaccuracies found in the various materials and techniques used through the casting stage. Soldering has been defined as the joining of metals by the medium of a filler metal that has a lower fusion temperature than that of the metal parts to be joined. This article mainly focuses on the principles of soldering, the parameters affecting the outcomes of this technique, and the obtained dimensional accuracy of soldering. A comprehensive chancery of principles, the background, theory, working terminologies is being elaborately included in the article
Authors and Affiliations
Dr M Kanmani MDS, Dr J Gandimathi MDS, Dr. K. Vinayagavel MDS, Dr C Sabarigirinathan MDS, Dr Francilin F, Dr. L Srinidhi
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