Rola i pozycja Ministerstwa Spraw Wewnętrznych oraz jego aparatu w systemie władz PRL w okresie wrzesień 1980 – grudzień 1981. Analiza wybranych przykładów
Journal Title: Rocznik Kolbuszowski - Year 2018, Vol 18, Issue 18
The following article discusses the role and position of the structures of the Ministry of the Interior from September 1980 to December 1981 – the difficult period for the communist authorities, when it was necessary to accept the existence of the organization which could not be fully controlled by the party apparatus. The author ponders over particular issues mainly from the angle of the fight with ‘Solidarity’. The paper presents the most important elements of the actions organized by the Ministry of the Interior aimed at the Independent Self-governing Labour Union, including ‘the protection of the union’, setting the leaders of ‘solidarity’ at variance or organizing a spy network. The work also focuses on the role of ministry in preparations for introducing martial law. Investigating the significance of the Ministry of the Interior structures within the system of the government in the Polish People’s Republic, the author drew attention to the impact of ministry’s activities on the party and state authorities while handling conflicts, as well as the relationship between the Ministry management and the Soviet side. In addition, the article discusses the factors which could contribute to diminishing the significance of the Ministry of the Interior in the period under investigation. This text is a survey of the present knowledge on the discussed issues aiming to arrange this information and to formulate research postulates.
Authors and Affiliations
Piotr Juchowski
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