Rolegram as a Way of Activation of Behavior Patterns in the Personality Role Structure
Journal Title: Проблеми сучасної психології: збірник наукових праць - Year 2018, Vol 0, Issue 42
The article focuses attention on the content of psychological roles as behavioural patterns of the role structure of a personality. The research on the role aspects of personality psychology is considered from the standpoint of social, psychological, socio-psychological and role approaches, which determines personal patterns of role behaviour. In the context of the role development of a personality, the leading ways of realizing concrete patterns of behaviour in different life situations and their reflection in behavioural patterns are defined. The acquisition of role competence is defined as a necessary condition for the development of the ability of a personality to master his psychological roles operatively, to support role behaviour in the process of his own vital activity and creativity, and to create role repertoires. The leading idea of our experimental research is the idea that it is the model of behaviour chosen by us (the psychological roles embodied in the behavioural pattern) that enables a person to free himself from the constant desire to defend himself, to complex. The leading factors in the formation of the role behaviour of an individual are the social expectations, both of the personality in relation to himself and others, and of the reference persons or groups. There are four main types of psychological role that affect the ability of a personality to build an integral system of behavioural patterns. It is found out that one of the ways of role behaviour realization is rolegram (the system of actions of a specific person, the conceptual experience of a person, who performs a role; a peculiar process of acquiring a role). The determining factor for constructing a rolegram is the meaning of professional activities. To develop the roles of «facilitator», «psychologist» and «partner», the lists of necessary actions for each role are described, that is the basic system that meets the beliefs, interests, values of the individuals and determines their uniqueness. Recommendations and sample tasks are given for constructing a rolegram and for working out the system of actions that constitute the content characteristic of a certain role
Authors and Affiliations
Zoia Miroshnyk
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