Selected problems of conducting techniques based on the repertoire of the Representative Brass Band of AGH University of Science and Technology in Cracow
Journal Title: "Konteksty Kształcenia Muzycznego" - Year 2015, Vol 2, Issue 2
The Representative Brass Band of AGH is an ensemble performing light music, jazz standards and film music arranged for the brass band. To make arrangements of such repertoire, it is essential for a conductor to be familiar with music literature, including the features of music styles which particular pieces belong to, e.g. swing, Latin or pop music. A conductor’s posture does not have to be constantly upright while performing pop pieces; it is not necessary, either, to beat the time when a given fragment is based on a rhythm section that also determines the character and style of a composition and to which other sections are subordinated. What really matters in terms of a conductor’s technique is, however, showing precisely entrances and accents, as well as anticipations, mainly in syncopated swing or Latin American rhythms. Fragments performed upon a conductor’s hand movement also require an accurate time-beating. Baton, in turn, is necessary when performing film music, which features numerous changes of tempo, time and character, as well as slowdowns and fermatas. A conductor, thanks to one’s expertise, takes care of rhythmic precision, correct intonation, timbral diversity, as well as proper and stylish performance of the repertoire pieces; conductor’s experience combined with young musicians’ enthusiasm have an impact on the development of suitable timbre and creation of favorable atmosphere within the music band. Pop music pieces make, in turn, truly valuable repertoire items for each brass band, the performances of which always become artistic highlights of the community’s cultural life.
Authors and Affiliations
Karol Pyka
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