Social Advertising: Theoretic Dimensions and the Aspects of Perception
Journal Title: Profesinės Studijos: Teorija ir Praktika - Year 2006, Vol 2, Issue 2
Advertising as a certain form of social communication enables to propagate an idea, relevant in the context of social problems. The essential features of social advertising, distinguishing it from commercial advertising are the propagation of an idea (not a commodity or a service), the role of the society as an interested party, a clear moral imperative in the semantics of social advertising contents. Social advertising, which does not have a commercial imperative, plays an informational-educative role. The main aspect of the contents of social advertising is a moral imperative, conveyed stressing negative consequence of one or another action, using metaphors and additional contextual associations. A negative attitude of students towards social advertising in an imperative form and insufficient cognitive factor (the absence of knowledge about appropriate social phenomenon) are essential aspects of perception of social advertising, which reveal the obstacles of the uprise of positive emotions and associations, the formation of conscious/unconscious behaviour. The behavioural factor in the perception of social advertising is actualised by eliminating a forthright dictate, by decoding semantically meaningful associations. Inadequately perceived contents of social advertising shows that young people at the age of 19-21 years don’t know the social problem itself, don’t have primary social information (it is important not only ignorance, but also the fact that they do not understand metaphors, intended for more culturally and socially sophisticated members of the society), therefore the analysed social advertising does not fulfil its mission in solitary cases. There again another problem arises. The research carried out makes it obvious that inappropriate presentation of advertising can cause the opposite reaction.
Authors and Affiliations
Lina Tamutienė, Jolita Vveinhardt
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