Social Responsibility (ISO 26000) and the International Standard (ISO 14000) and Their Contribution to Supporting Organizations in Environmental Protection
Journal Title: Ancient Land - Year 2025, Vol 7, Issue 2
Abstract This study aims to explore the role of Social Responsibility (ISO 26000) and the International Standard (ISO 14000) and their contribution to supporting organizations in environmental protection. The study reviews the fundamental concepts of social responsibility, its dimensions, and its significance to society, in addition to examining the concept of the International Standard ISO 14000 and its role in environmental protection. The study employs a descriptive-analytical approach to examine and analyze various aspects of Social Responsibility (ISO 26000) and the International Standard (ISO 14000). The findings indicate that social responsibility and the implementation of ISO 14000 within organizations enhance institutional commitment to environmental sustainability, contribute to reducing environmental pollution, and improve environmental performance. Additionally, these practices help lower costs, increase profitability, and expand market share. Achieving these benefits requires the adoption of an environmental policy within organizations that aims to protect and preserve the environment.
Authors and Affiliations
Leyla Khedir, Ali Mostefaoui, Okba Khedir, Tarek Gherbi, Rachid Khedir
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