Socio-economic aspects of adaptation of the Ukrainian Diaspora in Russia (1989-2010)

Journal Title: Eminak - Year 2016, Vol 1, Issue 2


The features of the socio-economic life of Ukrainian in the Russian Federation to reveals in article. The level of knowledge of the subject indicated in the national historiography. The analysis of employment characteristics of Ukrainian depending on their social class. Author analyzed forms of attracting Ukrainian Diaspora to the labour market of the Russian Federation. Based on the accumulated material specified Ukrainian economic activity, which is compared with the level of economic involvement of the other two major ethnic groups in Russia – Russians and Tatars. Thesis there is determined the main source of income ethnic Ukrainian, whose share has only one source of income. Followed relations with the Ukrainian Diaspora homeland, including cooperation in the socio-economic sphere. It is shown that the Ukrainian government directed efforts at reviving the practice of patronage over Ukrainian cities Diaspora in Russia. It was established that the share of Ukrainian represented in specific types of socio-economic activities, including driving singled out households. Based on the research conclusions that Ukrainian group made a single original society of the country of residence, taking with decent niche in social and economic life of Russia in 1989- 2010.

Authors and Affiliations

Volodymyr Volkov


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How To Cite

Volodymyr Volkov (2016). Socio-economic aspects of adaptation of the Ukrainian Diaspora in Russia (1989-2010). Eminak, 1(2), 81-84.