Sources of the external knowledge used by firms in their economic activity

Journal Title: International Journal of Contemporary Management - Year 2011, Vol 10, Issue 3


The present article is one in series of articles on knowledge management processes in the organization. It concentrated on the sources of external knowledge. Acquiring external know-ledge is namely one from the ways to create and develop knowledge in the organization, which is underlined in the literature of knowledge management. The analysis of the literature on the acquiring of knowledge from the environment of the organization lets us to identify and describe sources of external knowledge, which can be used by companies in their activi-ty. Due to the fact that the work has mostly an empirical character, its aim is first of all to diagnose the range of using of external knowledge sources in the surveyed companies and the estimation of their usefulness in the opinion of managers. The results of the study emerges a picture of the companies in which the dominant source of external knowledge are training of workers. This is connected amongst other things with the planning of staff needs in the range of recruitment of new employees. This increases the need for subsequent train-ing of employees after their employment. In addition, the surveyed companies do not often only use , but also consider it useful as a source of the knowledge cooperation with custom-ers and suppliers who they include in the process of projecting new products and services. The degree of cooperation of the companies with the universities and the scope of marketing research seems to be too little.

Authors and Affiliations

Maria Majewska-Bator, Paweł Bator


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How To Cite

Maria Majewska-Bator, Paweł Bator (2011). Sources of the external knowledge used by firms in their economic activity. International Journal of Contemporary Management, 10(3), 136-146.