Journal Title: Науковий вісник Південноукраїнського національного педагогічного університету імені К. Д. Ушинського - Year 2018, Vol 121, Issue 2
The structure of the training in healthy lifestyle targeted to the future economists is substantiated in the article. The components of the structure of the designated training are determined and described: motivation and moral values-centred, cognitive, and activity-oriented. It is noted that the structural components of the training in healthy lifestyle targeted to the future economists are interconnected, interdependent and complementary. The results of studies have shown that the involvement of students into sports activities in higher education institutions specialised in sporting, sports increases students’ resistance to various stress factors by creating psychological relaxation and improving their emotional state, contributes to the improvement of physiological functions, improves their mental and physical health. It enhances student’s motivation for conducting various physical activities, as well as a healthy lifestyle. The urgency of the study is substantiated by the fact that under conditions of the reform of the domestic system of higher education, the problem of improving the system of physical education of students remains unsolved. This is connected not only with the strategic tasks aimed at improving the quality of education, but also with consistently low indicators of physical state and students’ motivation to exercise and workload, raising the requirements of society to the training of a modern specialist. At the present stage of the development of higher education, a significant attention is paid to the introduction of modern programs focused on the prospects of the development of non-traditional forms and systems of healing into the educational process. The content of the study and its results related to the training of future economists in a healthy lifestyle in the market of economic services is considered by us as an integrative personality neoplasm that manifests itself as a willingness to use the methods and means of research work as well as interest in the work performed in the field of the restoration of human health, the presence of profession-oriented knowledge, skills and abilities, meaningful personal and professional qualities and experience of using physical education. Analysis and synthesis of different views of scientists to clarify the essence and content of the structure of students’ training in a healthy lifestyle allowed the authors to distinguish the following components in the structure of the training under study: motivation and moral values-centred, cognitive, and activity-oriented. The aim of the article is to substantiate the essence and content of the structure specifying the training of future economists in a healthy lifestyle. In order to optimize the process of physical education in higher education institutions, there is a need for increased involvement of students into sport and mass sports alongside with the recreation classes based on the most common types of motor activity. This is by capturing the forms of physical education classes that the emotional component, the overall and motor density of the class can be increased, thereby increasing the effectiveness of the learning process in general [6, p. 129]. These research methods enabling the achievement of the aim are used; critical analysis of literary sources; their retrospective analysis and generalization of the received information. One of the priority directions of state policy in the context of socio-economic development is the preservation and support of public health, which determines the urgency of the problem of qualitative training of specialists in a healthy lifestyle. The sad reality of the present like the socio-economic crisis, the decrease in the level of health indicators, the consequences of events in the East, initiates the need to optimize the domestic system of rehabilitation, which is at the initial stage of reform. Under conditions of modernization of the national system of higher education, the priority issues are the transformation of its content, with the focus on improving, including the improvement of the level of the training in a healthy lifestyle targeted to future professionals. In the context of this problem, an important aspect of training future economists in a healthy lifestyle is the substantiation of the structure of their preparedness for a healthy lifestyle of innovative character in the market of competitiveness, which will determine the strategy of organization as well as the contents of the educational process, will objectively evaluate its final result, and, accordingly, will ensure the formation of competent, mobile and competitive professionals. Preparedness of future economists for a healthy lifestyle in the market of economic services is considered by us as an integrative personality neoplasm that manifests itself as a willingness to use methods and means of research work as well as their interest in the work performed in the field of the restoration of human health, the availability of professionally oriented knowledge, skills and abilities, meaningful personal and professional qualities and experience of using physical education. Analysis and synthesis of different issues of scientists to clarify the essence and content of the structure of student youth training in a healthy lifestyle allowed the author to distinguish the following components in the structure of this training targeted to the future economists: motivation and moral values-centred, cognitive, activity-oriented. The motivation and moral values-centred component is a prerequisite and basis for the expedient implementation of other components in the structure of the training under study. Motives as a personal entity are conditioned and manifested in person’s interests, inclinations, goal-setting, person’s set of attitudes, clear ideas of certain activities that incline a person to it, determine his / her behaviour and the focus on self-realization and self-development. Motives determine the purpose and results of the activity, they are means of achieving them and directly influence the control over the results and the quality of the activity at the final stage. Ye. Ilyin, analyzing the essence of the concept «motive» in various aspects (the motive as a need, as an object of need satisfaction, as an incentive, as an intention, as personal disposition, as a state, as satisfaction), substantiates the opinion that the motive is appropriate to consider «as a complex integral (systemic) psychological entity» [2, p.115]. The scientist points out that the interrelation of the motive and motivation in scientific works of the psychological direction can be traced in two aspects: 1) motivation is considered as a set of motives (factors); 2) motivation is defined as a dynamic process of forming a motive [2, p.65]. It is worth pointing out that scholars not only motivate motivation but also other factors (needs, interests, intentions, goals, orientation-value guides, aspirations, etc.). Moral value orientations play a significant role in the formation of person’s motivations; in the general context they are considered as the orientation of an individual to the values determined by him / her. S. Merzlyakova points out that value orientations are an inalienable basis of the human’s «image of the world»; they reflect the worldview of an individual, his / her attitude towards himself / herself, others and the world around him / her, determine the content of person’s direction and lay the core of life motivation [4, p. 31]. Consequently, the motivation and moral values-centred component of the training of the future economists in a healthy lifestyle is determined by the positive motivation towards a healthy lifestyle, awareness of its values, interest and desire to perform work, perception of the profession as a sphere of self-realization. The cognitive component of the training under study involves the availability of the knowledge within the cycle of disciplines constituting social and humanitarian training as well as specialist’s knowledge within the cycle of disciplines dealing with professional and practical training. The curriculum intended for economists in physical education includes: 1. Normative (compulsory) educational disciplines, which form the basic part of the requirements to the educational and qualification characteristics of the specialty. 2. Elective educational disciplines (educational disciplines at students’ choice) ensure the fulfillment of the requirements of the varied curricula to the educational and qualification characteristics and are introduced to meet the educational and qualification needs of an individual, expedient use of opportunities and traditions of an institution of higher education, regional needs, etc. In the process of determining the necessary qualities and abilities of future economists in a healthy lifestyle, we took into account two fundamentally important aspects: 1. The result of the training of future economists in higher education institutions is their preparedness for innovative activities, namely, the ability to creatively transform the acquired knowledge, skills and abilities, which are actualized, provided that there is a creative potential for future economists. 2. The professional activities of future economists related to a healthy lifestyle lie within the limits of socio-occupational professions (such as «human-human»), which requires the formation of such important professional abilities as communicative and organizational ability, reflection and empathy. In our opinion, the presence of communicative and organizational capabilities of future specialists to train in a healthy lifestyle is important for their future activities (speaking skills, expressing their own position, ability to substantiate and express their own point of view, expressing original ideas, planning and organizing research activity in profession and its improvement, self-organization ability, etc.), as well as for their future professional activity (establishment of an adequate productive interaction with the management board and colleagues, possession of verbal means of influence, an ability to give arguments and organize a rehabilitation process). To enable further development of the training targeted to the future economists in a healthy lifestyle in the process of learning, a student must, while gaining knowledge in institutions of higher education, structure Physical Education classes correctly so that he / she could be able to rationally possess and use the knowledge of a healthy way of life gained in higher school in his / her professional activity. The activity-oriented component of the structure of the training targeted to the future economists in a healthy lifestyle in the teaching / learning process involves the objective self-evaluation of the results of a healthy lifestyle in the process of life activity. Teaching by nature is labour. Student’s actions during the training empower him / her with high moral and volitional qualities, increase the efficiency level and purposefulness. The focus of these actions on the solution of educational tasks and the overcoming of difficulties is an effective factor of education. In this case, the educational aspect is directly dependent on a student’s level of activity. A sense of satisfaction developed from the result helps to strengthen the motivational basis for learning activities. The activity-oriented component of the structure of the training targeted to the future economists in a healthy lifestyle within the process of their learning characterizes the result of student’s mastering a necessary volume of skills and abilities of performing physical actions (in particular, observing a healthy way of life), reflecting person’s orientation towards an active, healthy lifestyle, independent regular use of various forms of motor activity and other means of physical, mental and spiritual perfection, person’s moral attitude to his / her own health as well as other people’s health, regular diagnosing of his / her own health (timely and qualitative medical care), self-monitoring of health (on subjective and objective data) and observance of medical recommendations, prevention of occupational diseases typical for economists (implementation of exercise complexes facilitating the prevention of visual impairment, cardiovascular diseases, cerebral circulation, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, respiratory system; withdrawal of psycho-emotional fatigue and tension etc.), mastery of profession-applied physical training, etc.
Authors and Affiliations
Svetlana Onishchuk
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