Study on the inheritance of C18-fatty acids content in seed oil of winter oilseed rape mutants (Brassica napus L.)

Journal Title: Rośliny Oleiste - Oilseed Crops - Year 2011, Vol 32, Issue 2


Five lines with very different fatty acid (oleic, linoleic and linolenic) content in seed oil have been crossed in complete diallel design to investigate inheritance of C18-fatty acid composition.Two mutants M-10453 and M-10464 are characterized by an increased level of oleic acid 77.2–78.4% and reduced linoleic acid content 7.7–8.1%, two lines of mutant M-681 and of DH A2-17/2 displayed high linoleic acid content, 24.9 and 23.1% respectively, and low linolenic acid content, 2.8 and 1.8% respectively. Line DH W-78 of double low winter oilseed rape was characterized by a typical fatty acid composition in oil (64.1% of oleic acid, 18.2% of linoleic acid and 10.4% of linolenic acid).The obtained hybrids of F1 and F2 generation and parental lines were investigated in field trials in complete random block design in four replications in two locations (Karżniczka and Łagiewniki).Analyses of fatty acids composition were performed for oils from seeds harvested from hybrid plants of F1 and F2 generations, so they cover the generations F2 and F3.Calculations of general combining ability (GCA) and specific combining ability (SCA) were performed following Griffings (1956) method. Highly significant GCA of lines studied in terms of fatty acid content of group C:18 indicate the additive behaviour of genes. This makes easier the selection of the desired genotypes in segregating hybrid generations. This information is important in the breeding of both open pollinated cultivars and hybrids.The analyses of diallel crosses according to Hayman (1954) allowed for more accurate estimation of the additive effects and dominance, and specify the heritability for individual acids. The values for these parameters are very promising for successful breeding. Additive effects exceed approximately 80-times the influence of dominance. High coefficients of heritability in the broad and narrow sense were very high, 84–99%. This points to the possibility of obtaining significant progress in the selection of examined hybrids to change the proportion of fatty acids in rapeseed oil.The phenomenon of dominance, although slight, occurs towards high content in oleic acid and low content in linolenic acid .The lines of mutants with high oleic acid content (M-10453, M-10464), irrespective of crossing direction, in every studied combination significantly influenced the increase of oleic acid content (up to 68.3–80.3%). The lines with low linolenic acid content (M-681, A2-17/2) essentially reduced linolenic acid content (up to 1,6–6,6%), and increased linoleic acid content (up to 25.2%).The completed study allowed to evaluate our mutant lines in terms of their suitability for the breeding of new varieties producing seed oil with improved composition of fatty acids.

Authors and Affiliations

Stanisław Spasibionek, Krystyna Krótka


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How To Cite

Stanisław Spasibionek, Krystyna Krótka (2011). Study on the inheritance of C18-fatty acids content in seed oil of winter oilseed rape mutants (Brassica napus L.). Rośliny Oleiste - Oilseed Crops, 32(2), 195-210.