Surgical treatment of pancreatic cysts – own experience
Journal Title: Postępy Nauk Medycznych - Year 2011, Vol 24, Issue 1
Aim of the study. The aim of this study was to analyze the early results of surgical treatment of pancreatic cysts based on own material.Material and methods. In the period from 2000 to 2010, in the Department of Gastrointestinal Surgery in Katowice SUM, 142 patients (79 men and 63 women) with pancreatic cysts were surgically treated. The mean age of patients was 49.17 ± 13.16 years. The decision regarding laparotomy was taken if less invasive treatment was ineffective or it was impossible to perform.Results. Cysts were noted the following location: pancreatic head – 53 pancreas, pancreatic trunk – 48 and a pancreatic tail – 41. Mean cyst size in the analyzed material was 60 mm (40-260). The most frequently observed type was pseudocysts due to chronic pancreatitis, which was found in histopathology in 72 patients (50.7%). The following forms of surgical treatment were used: internal drainage of pancreatic cyst into the gastrointestinal tract – 53, pancreatic resection – 52 and external drainage of the pancreatic cyst – 37. Average duration of surgical procedure was 150 minutes (120-200). Early postoperative complications occurred in 41 patients (28.8%). Three reoperations (2.11%) were taken. Five deaths (3.57%) in the postoperative period were noted. The mean duration of hospitalization after surgery was 12 (7-14) days.Conclusions. In case of failure of minimally invasive methods, classical surgery is a safe and effective treatment for pancreatic cysts. Choosing the type of surgical procedure is dependent on the location, size, and as a result of histopathological examination of cysts.
Authors and Affiliations
Beata Jabłońska, Bartosz Dudzicz, Agnieszka Burkacka, Tomasz Cywiński, Katarzyna Stolorz, Andrzej Lekstan, Adam Lewiński, Daria Dranka-Bojarowska, Marek Olakowski, Paweł Lampe
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