Sztuka wojenna – sztuką intelektu prowadzenia operacji wojskowych, wykorzystania zasobów informatycznych oraz jakości potencjału logistycznego wojsk


The aim of this paper is to answer the following questions: what mili- tary art is, what it is concerned with, what it is for, how it developed through history, and what its essence and impact on the quality of logistics potential is. While discussing the above, the authors refer to the following issues: • philosophy of military art in historical approach; • theory of Clausewitz versus military art; • vision of nuclear war versus military art; • military art versus information potential of the military; • military art in the logistics system of the military; • quality and quantity of the military and its capability; • quality of logistics in performing military tasks of the military. The essence, specificity, and scope of military art concerning its impact on the knowledge connected with the military and their operational tasks are considered by the authors of this paper in the historical aspect as well as the current reality of the armed forces. The need to improve the quality of performing logistics tasks and the creation and improvement of the logistics system of the military are discussed across the spectrum of military art concerning the current high quality requirements. It is expected within the scope of services rendered by the operational military systems. This paper analyses the essence and necessity of qualitative break-through in the current logistic reality on the basis of theoretical interpretations of combat war phenomenon involving its two opposing sub-systems (potentials) containing material (energetic) and nonmaterial (informational) aspects. It is assumed that both of these varying aspects of any potential are expected to function properly according to their designation. Therefore, they must be influenced by the proper qualitative logistic potential based on the settled principles of the military art to provide feedback, continuity, and completion of tasks. Finally, having described the great role of logistics in providing the high level of combat operations and expected results, the authors conclude the paper with reflections concerning the place and role of logistics, as well as its qualitative requirements in practical activity, and the contribution of the military art in this approach.

Authors and Affiliations

Romuald Mańkowski, Łukasz Nyszk


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How To Cite

Romuald Mańkowski, Łukasz Nyszk (2017). Sztuka wojenna – sztuką intelektu prowadzenia operacji wojskowych, wykorzystania zasobów informatycznych oraz jakości potencjału logistycznego wojsk. Obronność - Zeszyty Naukowe Wydziału Zarządzania i Dowodzenia, 0(2), 122-136.