Journal Title: Вісник Маріупольського державного університету.Серія: Економіка - Year 2016, Vol 6, Issue 11
У статті досліджено системну сутність розвитку молокопродуктового підкомплексу, проаналізовано основні напрями наукових інтересів з даної проблеми. Запропоновано схему диференціації та інтеграції складових молокопродуктового підкомплексу України. Розроблено принципову модель системоутворення у молокопродуктовому підкомплексі, яка є об’єктом управління з метою досягнення телеологічних орієнтирів підкомплексу. Modern economic development of milk-production subcomplex of Ukraine actively demonstrates the strengths and weaknesses that create both opportunities and threats to the long-term economic growth in the context of the chosen strategic European integration forward course. The most topical issues of national milk-production subcomplex are: reducing the number of cows at farms of all categories; reduction of milk production volume at peoples’ farms; a slight increase of milk production at the agricultural enterprises; reduction of industrial dairy production; reduction of dairy products consumption by Ukraine's population, that is 54% of rationally established norm. The decrease in export of dairy products in 2015 compared to 2011 is by 69.8%. The aim of the study is based on grounding the systematic approach of scientific general analysis of the essence of targets of milk-production subcomplex development. Development of the milk-production subcomplex by its essence is a reflection of structural and functional changes of priority economy of production system in the agricultural sector due to innovative investment taking into account the specifics of components and nature of exposure to them of an effective partnership of public regulation system and market self-regulation. This explains the need for forward motion taking into account the requirements of a significant activation of innovative investments, the introduction of standardization, certification, and informatization of society as a motivator of economic relations development of all components of milk-production subcomplex. The system essence of development of the milk-production subcomplex has been investigated, the main directions of scientific interest on this issue have been analyzed in this work. The scheme of differentiation and integration of the components of milk-production subcomplex in Ukraine has been offered. Schematic diagram of system formation in milkproduction subcomplex has been developed that is the object of management to achieve teleological key points of subcomplex. The study determined that the purpose of system formation of the milk-production subcomplex requires the integration and differentiation of production and management subsystems that have to be provided with government regulation of high quality, market selfregulation and effective partnership at all hierarchical levels of management (the centerregion-district). The effectiveness of management subsystem must be supported by high economic indexes in the manufacturing sector. Synergetic effect of innovation investment, information, standardization and quality control should be reflected in forage production, selection of dairy cattle, production of milk and dairy products, and demand for dairy products at domestic and foreign markets.
Authors and Affiliations
L. Slatvinska
У даній статті проведений аналіз сучасного стану металургійної галузі України і досліджено фактори, що негативно впливають на неї. Розглянуто можливості подальшого підвищення ефективності діяльності підприємств галузі. В...
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