Технологія розробки персонального сайту сучасного науковця
Journal Title: Ukrainian Journal of Educational Studies and Information Technology - Year 2018, Vol 6, Issue 1
The article is devoted to the actual and practically important problem for modern science - to provide free access to the scientific creative heritage of the scientist. After all, the weight of the scientist in the professional community, his influence on the events occurring in his chosen field of science, today largely depends on how fully, constructively and organically presented the results of his research on the Internet. The central element of a visiting card of a modern scientist is a link to a personal website. Keeping your own site allows you to create an electronic library of scientific and methodological developments, share your thoughts, finds. In addition, the creation and maintenance of their site contributes to replenishing the portfolio of achievements of the scientist. The authors proceed from the basic provision that the personal page as a form of information provision in the scientific community gives scientists and specialists new opportunities for solving scientific and practical problems. The materials of the scientist, presented on the site, allow to show the level of erudition in the branches of science and culture, help to achieve public recognition. The article analyzes the scientific and special literature on web programming, examines the requirements for the creation of sites, developed a personal site of a scientist, written recommendations on its use. The developed personal site of a modern scientist is a significant source of biographical and bibliographic information, gives an opportunity to present to the international scientific community information about their activities and ideas in the form of published and unpublished scientific works, which enables the scientist to solve the issues of creating their own image in the scientific space.
Authors and Affiliations
Вячеслав Осадчий, Ірина Сердюк, Дмитро Ліхачов, Владислав Пятниченко
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