Вплив візуального дизайну педагогічних презентацій на якість навчального процесу
Journal Title: Ukrainian Journal of Educational Studies and Information Technology - Year 2018, Vol 6, Issue 3
The article is devoted to the actual problem of the use of pedagogical electronic presentations in the educational process. In the article, based on the analysis of scientific and methodological literature and network sources, the results of the insights on the importance of the visual design of the pedagogical electronic presentation and the main approaches used in the process of forming a visual series of educational materials for achieving the best understanding of the educational material by the audience are considered. The use of electronic presentations has become a widespread phenomenon in higher education and is part of the expectations and perceptions of both teachers and students about how the learning process should be organized. The chalk and board in the learning process quickly gave way to presentations, the growing culture of which in the educational process has become the normative feature of academic study. The use of presentations in the learning process has several advantages, namely helping to focus on the content of the subject while studying, but there are also disadvantages of their use, both in terms of using the teacher and in the aspect of student learning. Therefore, in order to maximize the effectiveness of using an electronic educational presentation, an educator needs to know and use the principles of visual design to achieve a high level of memorable learning material for students.
Authors and Affiliations
Володимир Говорющенко
Варіанти здійснення доступу до СУБД Firebird із середовища Delphi
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