The analysis of the mandibular opening and closing movements in patients with migrating TMJ disc syndrome: A preliminary report

Journal Title: Prosthodontics - Year 2011, Vol 61, Issue 3


Introduction. The migrating temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disc syndrome was introduced into the diagnosis of mandibular dysfunction and its description published by the author of this paper in 1997. The basic symptoms of this syndrome are characterised by lateral deviations of the mandible during opening and closing movements. They can be associated with a change in the location of the retruded mandibular position in the frontal plane, as well as with other subjective and objective sings and symptoms. This syndrome is generally very difficult to manage.Aim of the study. To improve the clinical diagnosis and make an attempt to explain the cause of this syndrome on the basis of visual analysis of opening and closing mandibular movements and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans of TMJs.Material and methods. Clinical investigations were carried out in 34 patients with diagnosed migrating disc syndrome. MRI scans were obtained in 11 patients in the intercuspal position and opening in both sagittal and frontal planes. In all patients a uni– or bilateral typical deviation during opening and closing movements was found.Results. MRI findings allowed to diagnose uni– or bilateral compound anterolateral disc displacement in the intercuspal position and the changed position of the disc at opening in the frontal plane in all the patientsConclusions. The occurrence of wandering TMJ disc syndrome is linked with lateral TMJ disc displacement in the intercuspal position and its change into a medial position at opening. Typical lateral deviation during mandibular opening and/or closing movements is caused by the changed position of TMJ disc during these movements in the frontal plane.

Authors and Affiliations

Maria Kleinrok


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How To Cite

Maria Kleinrok (2011). The analysis of the mandibular opening and closing movements in patients with migrating TMJ disc syndrome: A preliminary report. Prosthodontics, 61(3), 181-188.