The Concept of "La ba’sa (beh)" in the Context of Responsibility Theory in Fiqh

Journal Title: Marife Dini Araştırmalar Dergisi - Year 2017, Vol 17, Issue 1


Every science has its own language and terminology. Without dominating this terminology, there can be no progress in knowledge or opportunity to understand any science. Scholars such as Tahanawi (d. 1158/1745?), who wrote some books about technical terms, state that after fully understanding the terminology of a science, going to a teacher for receiving courses can only be based on the principles of blessing or volunteering (tatavvu‘). Fiqh is one of the most important of religious sciences and naturally has its own language and ‘terminology’. Terms are the concepts of subjects in the mind. Some terms are in common use of more than one science and their meanings change according to the science utilizes it. This can also cause some confusion. Therefore, knowing correctly in which meaning such terms are used will ensure an accurate understanding of a text. In this paper, the linguistic and terminological definition of "la ba’sa" is provided from the wide range of meanings such as mandub, mustahab, mubah, makruh, tark al-awla and khilaf al-awla. We tried to find out for which meanings it was used right from the first eras within the framework of responsibility theory with examples from four fiqh madhahib.

Authors and Affiliations

Hasan Özer


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  • EP ID EP601740
  • DOI 10.33420/marife.591723
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How To Cite

Hasan Özer (2017). The Concept of "La ba’sa (beh)" in the Context of Responsibility Theory in Fiqh. Marife Dini Araştırmalar Dergisi, 17(1), 1-27.