The development of a new procedure for determination of volatile oxidation products in edible oils with the use of static headspace analysis
Journal Title: Rośliny Oleiste - Oilseed Crops - Year 2009, Vol 30, Issue 1
This paper presents a selection of optimal conditions for a new promising method to diagnose quality of oil by determination of volatile compounds which are products of oil oxidation. The UV irradiation was used for acceleration of oxidation process of refined edible oils. The static headspace analysis (HSA) was used for sample preparation. Optimal parameters of this technique were chosen (sample volume 8 ml, time and temperature of equilibrium 20 min and 80C) and some validation parameters were determined. Method precision and sensitivity expressed as variation coefficient CV (< 20%) and the limit of detection LOD (between 3 and 50 mg/kg) are satisfactory. Sample composition was determined on the basis of standard compounds retention times using capillary gas chromatography with flame-ionization detector (column: SPB-20, Supelco, 30 m × 0.25 mm × 1 µm).
Authors and Affiliations
Justyna Gromadzka, Waldemar Wardencki
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