The digital or vernier caliper – since yesterday till today
Journal Title: Forum Ortodontyczne - Year 2005, Vol 1, Issue 1
AIM: Comparison of the exactitude of the vernier anddigital calipers. MATERIAL and METHODS: The measurementsof the size of right central incisor, using the methoddescribed by Bolton, were made on the study casts of the30 patients. The two orthodontist (with the different professionalexperience) made at the some time and in thesome conditions the necessary measurements performedwith the vernier and the digital calipers has been evaluatedby the comparison of the data received. RESULTS: Themeasurement made with the vernier (orthodontic) caliperhas shown high credibility. The average difference betweenthe data received by the two different examinig persons wasonly 0.1 mm and it was both statistically non-significantand it could contain within the measurement error. Usingthe digital caliper, one of the examiners has got significantlyhigher values – in average of 0.07 mm that does notcontain within the digital caliper measurement error whichis 0.01 mm. Both examiners have got higher values whileusing the digital caliper than vernier one; the first physician– 0.1 mm in average and the second one 0.16 mm.CONCLUSIONS: 1. The most essential feature of the accurateorthodontic caliper is the thickness of its arms which are to be placed as near as possible to the anatomical contact points. 2. The vernier caliper still reminds the mostexact tool for the toothsize measuring. (Orthod. Forum,2005;1:20-24)
Authors and Affiliations
Barbara Wędrychowska-Szulc, Joanna Janiszewska-Olszowska
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