The duties of the chancellor of the diocesan curia regarding the archive according to the 1983 Code of the Canon Law

Journal Title: Kościół i Prawo - Year 2015, Vol 4, Issue 2


The Code of Canon Law promulgated in 1983 indicates that one of many duties of the chancellor of the diocesan curia is to take care of the acts in the archive of the curia. This task embraces both taking care of the acts, that they would be properly safeguarded, and taking care of the archive itself, that it would be the suitable place to gather documents. Moreover, the chancellor keeps the key to the diocesan archive. However, no one is permitted to access the archive except with the permission either of the bishop or of both the moderator of the curia and the chancellor. Similarly, it is not allowed to remove documents from the archive except for a brief time only and with the consent either of the bishop or of both the moderator of the curia and the chancellor. Regarding the secret archive, the chancellor is to guard that all the procedures of the law are respected, however, the chancellor himself cannot enter the secret archive without the permission of the proper authority.

Authors and Affiliations

Robert Kaszak


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  • EP ID EP95785
  • DOI 10.18290/kip.2015.4.2-5
  • Views 82
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How To Cite

Robert Kaszak (2015). The duties of the chancellor of the diocesan curia regarding the archive according to the 1983 Code of the Canon Law. Kościół i Prawo, 4(2), 55-67.