The Expression and Practical Use of the Negative in French Technical Texts

Journal Title: Santalka: Filosofija, Komunikacija - Year 2009, Vol 17, Issue 2


The paper examines one of the syntactic constructions used in French technical texts – the variety of expressions with the negative. Although universally used, it has been found out that the negative is scarce in French technical literature. Nevertheless, there are various means to express the negative both syntactically and grammatically. In the field of terminology, the most common way to express the negative is the prepositional word-formation. Attention is paid to expressions that cause difficulties while reading. It is suggested to bestow attention to the interrelation of the lexical and grammatical categories, the organization of linguistic devices.

Authors and Affiliations

Rūta Elžbieta Katalynaitė


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  • EP ID EP84466
  • DOI 10.3846/1822-430X.2009.17.2.44-5
  • Views 100
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How To Cite

Rūta Elžbieta Katalynaitė (2009). The Expression and Practical Use of the Negative in French Technical Texts. Santalka: Filosofija, Komunikacija, 17(2), 44-51.