The impact of kaizen philosophy on the development of personal-professional environment of the future specialist
Journal Title: ScienceRise: Pedagogical Education - Year 2016, Vol 0, Issue 5
<p>The article deals with the topical problem of pedagogical science – study of the development of the personal-professional environment of the future specialists in the higher educational institutions; in the process of professional preparation the future teachers of the higher technical educational institutions with the help of introduction of the strategy of educational audit as the one of the aspects of kaizen philosophy are involved into the atmosphere of the “saving” use of resources of the higher technical educational institution.</p>The idea of “confinement modeling” introduction is defined as the specific lean-technology. The scientifically grounded pedagogical conditions of deployment of experimental technology of monitoring of the professional preparation of future teachers of the higher technical educational institutions were introduced. The pedagogical expedience of such outrunning preparation of the future teachers of the higher technical educational institutions based on kaizen philosophy was proved. The effectiveness of the introduction of lean-technology was experimentally verified: the parameters of experimental technology of monitoring of the professional preparation of the teachers of the higher technical educational institutions were grounded, the productive methods and means of its introduction at the expense of IEM actualization, scientific creation development (based on the scientific-pedagogic probation), elective courses, practically oriented activities introduction, qualification work preparation were concretized
Authors and Affiliations
Svitlana Yermakova
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