The Influence of Coordination Training on Technical Skills in Wrestlers of Greco-Roman Style at Various Levels of Sport’s Advancement<br />

Journal Title: Antropomotoryka. Journal of Kinesiology and Exercise Sciences - Year 2007, Vol 17, Issue 39


Introduction. Coordination training plays an essential role in training wrestlers. Unfortunately, it has not been properly examined and elaborated from scientific and methodological points of view, which leads to the fact that it is not useful enough in sports practice. In spite of all that, it is one of the most important and indispensable components of a training process.The aim of the work. The aim of the research was to define the influence of coordination training on technical skills in Greco-Roman wrestlers at various levels of sports advancement. 13–14 and 18–19-year-old wrestlers from the student sports club UKS “Dwójka” and from the sports school SMS in Radom took part in the examination.Material and method. The basic research method was a pedagogical experiment, which consisted in introducing larger amounts of means of various coordination complexity into a training process of wrestlers. The experiment comprised 84 training sessions during which 7 coordination abilities (kinesthetic differentiation, body balance, rhythmization, time-space orientation, motor adjustment and movement combining) were worked on. The total exercise volume in the whole experiment was 180 minutes for every examined ability.Conclusion. The obtained results indicate that a specially planned coordination training in wrestlers is important. The increase in the amount of coordination means was parallel to the improvement in the quality of performing technical elements. Younger wrestlers were more susceptible to an oriented coordination training than the older ones. The greatest technique improvement was noticed in wrestlers, regardless of their sports advancement, in those elements which were mastered to the smallest extent before the experiment. Also, the links between coordination abilities and technical skills were more noticeable in the group of younger wrestlers.

Authors and Affiliations

Jerzy Sadowski , Dariusz Gierczuk


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How To Cite

Jerzy Sadowski, Dariusz Gierczuk (2007). The Influence of Coordination Training on Technical Skills in Wrestlers of Greco-Roman Style at Various Levels of Sport’s Advancement<br /> . Antropomotoryka. Journal of Kinesiology and Exercise Sciences, 17(39), 59-66.