The influence of local physical effort on postural sway and limits of stability in young males

Journal Title: Antropomotoryka. Journal of Kinesiology and Exercise Sciences - Year 2011, Vol 21, Issue 54


[b]Aim of the study.[/b] The evaluation of postural sway and limits of stability changes, in standing posture (bilateral stance), induced by the local physical exercise engaging muscles of ankle joint (mainly triceps muscle of the calf).[b]Material and method. [/b]16 healthy, physically active males aged =21.25±0.77 years were examined. Measurements of postural sways (under static conditions) and limits of stability (under dynamic conditions) were carried out on the basis of the center of pressure (COP) displacements with the use of the AMTI platform. The tests of postural stability under static conditions were made in bipedal posture with open eyes and closed eyes. The tests under dynamic conditions consisted of maximal forward, backward, and sidewards body sways (with open eyes). The measurements were carried out before and after physical exercise. The physical exercise consisted in repeated heel rises until the subjects refused to repeat the exercise. To compare differences Wilcoxon signed-rank test was used.[b]Results and conclusion.[/b] In the case of postural sways after physical exercise it was observed the increase of the range of maximum sway of the COP in the medio-lateral (ML) and anterior-posterior (AP) directions, the total path length covered by the COP and the sway area of the COP both with open and closed eyes. It was also noticed the larger increase of the COP sways during measurements with open eyes than with closed eyes. In the case of post-exercise measurements of limits of stability no statistically significant changes of any tested parameters were observed in comparison to pre-exercise values. Probably physical exercise used in the study wasn’t strong enough to interference functioning of the whole posture-stabilizing muscle system and did not lead to a restriction of the postural stability area of the body.

Authors and Affiliations

Dorota Sadowska, Rafał Stemplewski, Janusz Maciaszek


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How To Cite

Dorota Sadowska, Rafał Stemplewski, Janusz Maciaszek (2011). The influence of local physical effort on postural sway and limits of stability in young males. Antropomotoryka. Journal of Kinesiology and Exercise Sciences, 21(54), 17-26.