The level of somatic and motor development among children from Jedlina-Zdrój in the light of the subjective quality of life of their families

Journal Title: Antropomotoryka. Journal of Kinesiology and Exercise Sciences - Year 2010, Vol 20, Issue 52


[b]Aim of the work.[/b] To determine relations between the somatic structure and motor efficiency among children and young people, and the subjective qualify of life of the families they come from.[b]Material and methods. [/b]The research included 524 students (277 boys and 247 girls) aged 8–16 that went to the primary and junior secondary schools in Jedlina-Zdrój. Height, body mass and three skin-fat folds were measured. Furthermore, the body mass index and lean body mass were calculated. Additionally, fitness tests were carried out, including: hitting disks with a hand; swinging run for 10 × 5 m; long jump from a spot; sit-ups from lying on the back; throwing a 1kg medicine ball; and bend to reach forward while sitting. Then the maximum anaerobic work was calculated. Development tests of children were supplemented by a poll among their parents related to the quality of life of their families.[b]Results. [/b]The subjective quality of life index significantly differentiates the height among the men. The tallest boys are found among parents who declare the average level of satisfaction of life. Their height significantly differs from those of boys whose families declare the low and high satisfaction of their life. In respect of functional parameters, only the motion pace demonstrate a growing gradient together with an increasing satisfaction of life. Differences between groups of families showing low and average, and low and high subjective level of the quality of life are characteristic. Likewise among women. The quality of life index differentiates the height in a monotonic manner. The best results in the test that verified the running speed were obtained among girls from families of the average satisfaction of life level.[b]Conclusions.[/b] The subjective quality of life index among families significantly differentiates the height and running speed of tested children.

Authors and Affiliations

Daniel Puciato


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How To Cite

Daniel Puciato (2010). The level of somatic and motor development among children from Jedlina-Zdrój in the light of the subjective quality of life of their families. Antropomotoryka. Journal of Kinesiology and Exercise Sciences, 20(52), 59-65.