The limiting oscillations of continuous functions


We prove that for any upper semicontinuous function f:F→[0;+∞] defined on the boundary F=¯¯¯¯G∖G of some open set G in metrizable space X there is a continuous function g:G→R such that the limiting oscillation ˜ωg of it equals f.

Authors and Affiliations

O. V. Maslyuchenko, D. P. Onypa


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  • EP ID EP541796
  • DOI 10.15330/cmp.7.2.191-196
  • Views 54
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How To Cite

O. V. Maslyuchenko, D. P. Onypa (2015). The limiting oscillations of continuous functions. Карпатські математичні публікації, 7(2), 191-196.