The Organizational Culture Of The Institution Of Higher Education: Psychological Research


The article presents psychological study of the organizational culture of the institution of higher education. Analyzed the current state of Ukrainian universities, the relevance of fundamental research of organizational culture and phenomena that it produces. Indicated names of both – Western and Ukrainian researchers engaged or studying of organizational culture, theoretical and practical aspects. For the attention proposed study of the organizational culture of higher education institutions of various forms of ownership – public and private. The author of the article reveals the differences and similarities vision of students concerning the dominant type of organizational culture in their own universities and on key parameters for each type of culture. Reveals the essence of each type of the organizational culture and its main characteristics.

Authors and Affiliations

Olga Ishchuk


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How To Cite

Olga Ishchuk (2016). The Organizational Culture Of The Institution Of Higher Education: Psychological Research. Організаційна психологія. Економічна психологія, 4(4), 61-68.