The peculiarities of criminological research of grave violent crimes against life and health, committed in the largest cities of Ukraine
Journal Title: ПИТАННЯ БОРОТЬБИ ЗІ ЗЛОЧИННІСТЮ - Year 2017, Vol 2, Issue 34
The paper is concerned with the peculiarities of the organization and conducting of the criminological research of grave violent crimes against life and health, committed in the largest cities of Ukraine. It is highlighted, that such scientific research is complicated by various indexes, which characterize this type of populated localities. Such indexes are: geographical location, history of development, socio-economic parameters, demographic situation, migratory processes, cultural development, infrastructure and other. These indexes, in particular, are the sources of information about crime determination and its details in the largest cities of Ukraine. The complete research should be consisting of the specific stages. Among such stages in the article it is spoken in detail about the analyses of native and foreign criminological researches of grave violent crimes against life and health, committed in large cities. Besides it, the importance of the key scientific categories for receiving new criminological knowledge has been stressed.
Authors and Affiliations
В. В. Бойко, V. V. Boyko
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