The pipeline monitoring


Experience of monitoring of high pressure gas pipeline laid on steep slope area above the underground workings is outlined. For research the geodetic reference network consisting of four points was established on the site. 15 deformation marks were fixed on the tube. 3 observation cycles were performed by high-precision linear angular and elevation measurements to determine space-time condition of the gas pipe. Deformation processes of the pipe were identified and analyzed. They include deformations regarding foundation pillars supporting the pipe and shear of the entire massif of the ground due to local and deep neotectonic processes. As a result of observations of the reference network firmness of the upper (southern) part of the array and shear of the lower and the middle sections of the array in the direction opposite to the gravity slope inclination were found. It probably indicates destructive processes in underground workings (catacombs) under the pipeline. One can hypothesize about transition of plastic deformations to sliding final displacements. At this shifting the pipe behaved as a more rigid system than the ground, some sections of the pipe were deformed by curving upwards. In that way the hypothesis of the array’s shifting to the south-west direction is confirmed by the visible secondary signs.

Authors and Affiliations

V. , Zakharchuk, A. , Nakhmurov, N. , Shyshkalova, R. , Yurkovskyi


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How To Cite

V. , Zakharchuk, A. , Nakhmurov, N. , Shyshkalova, R. , Yurkovskyi (2017). The pipeline monitoring. Вісник Одеської державної академії будівництва та архітектури, 1(66), 203-207.