The Place of Innovation in terms of Improving Competitiveness of Destinations
Journal Title: The Journal of International Scientific Researches - Year 2017, Vol 2, Issue 4
The harmonizing to changings and developings in external environment of destinations increased in importance in terms of improving and protecting their competitiveness. For the harmonizing to changings and developings of destinations and main elements which created destinations (the tourism businesses, local people, official institutions and non-governmental organizations) should be adopted of innovative perspective and realised of necessary innovations (local public education, follow-up of technological developments, the harmonization to needs and expectations of consumers and to opponents, the continuous improvement of service quality). The purpose of this study is to determine the place of innovation in terms of improving competitiveness of destinations. In this context in the study; it is made a conceptual study on the role of innovation in destination competitiveness, provided a personel assessment on conceptual studies and also made recommendations to undeveloped and developing destinations on the subject.
Authors and Affiliations
Murat Ödemiş, Ertuğrul Düzgün, Ayşegül Düzgün
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