The Scientist and Explorer A. E. Nordenskiöld Cartographic Collection in The National Library of Finland

Journal Title: Bibliotheca Nostra. Śląski Kwartalnik Naukowy - Year 2015, Vol 41, Issue 3


The National Library of Finland is the oldest and largest academic library in Finland. It is responsible for the acquisition, description, preservation and accessibility of Finland’s printed national heritage and the unique collections under its care. The National Library also promotes national and international cooperation in the fi eld. The most prominent collections and services are historic, Antiquity and Mediaeval studies, Russian and Eastern European studies, educational and bibliographic history and the history of cartography, art studies, and philosophy. The National Library of Finland’s A. E. Nordenskiöld collection is one of the world’s most signifi cant collections of antique maps. In 1997 the collection was included into UNESCO's Memory of the World register. Nordenskiöld's collection vividly depicts the development of Western countries' geographical knowledge. The maps and literature depict all continents, with a particular emphasis on Arctic areas. There is an almost complete series of Geographica, the classic cartographic work by Claudius Ptolemy, as well as a considerable number of works related to the discovery of America. Adolf Erik Nordenskiöld received his university education in Helsinki, where he gained his doctorate in 1855. He then began his researcher career in Finland. He was an explorer, a multidisciplinary natural scientist and also a notable historian of cartography. Nordenskiöld gained his worldwide fame as a result of his expeditions to the arctic regions. He made ten research expeditions to the Arctic Ocean, and in 1878–1879 he was the fi rst explorer to sail through the Northeast Passage on a continuous trip. After preparing for his expeditions by studying old maps and travel accounts, Nordenskiöld became interested in cartographic history and was later a world famous pioneer in that fi eld. He published two basic works on the history of cartography, which are still used.

Authors and Affiliations

Anna-Maija Pietilä-Ventelä


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How To Cite

Anna-Maija Pietilä-Ventelä (2015). The Scientist and Explorer A. E. Nordenskiöld Cartographic Collection in The National Library of Finland. Bibliotheca Nostra. Śląski Kwartalnik Naukowy, 41(3), 70-81.