Ksiądz Antoni Stabik – poeta i podróżnik

Journal Title: Bibliotheca Nostra. Śląski Kwartalnik Naukowy - Year 2015, Vol 39, Issue 1


Stabik Anthony was born on June 13, 1807 in Mikołow and his years of studies culminated with an ordination in Wroclaw on May 12, 1833. In December of 1843 Father Stabik was transferred to the parish in Michałkowice. He was intitially the administrator and since December 16 of 1846 a parson. In the nineteenth century he was known as a poet. He authored Polish poems that were published in the press and then collected and published in 1848 in Racibórz in a volume Żarty nieżarty, czyli wierszoklectwa wesołych i poważnych marzeń (lit. Jokes and no-jokes, poems of merry and serious dreams). He was one of the fi rst local poets in Silesia and didn’t meet his writing equal until the next generation. The restless nature of Stabik made him constantly leave Michałkowice. He used to travel to the surrounding church fairs every year and took part in the celebrations on the Mt. Of Saint Anna. He traveled to Krakow several times and in the years 1864-1865 took two trips to Italy, which are a testimony published in 1867. Memories of the trip to Italy Upper and Lower. Yet in 1870. He went to the Bavarian Oberammergau, where since the seventeenth century it has held the famous Passion Play. These travels left an impression, printed fi rst in "Harbinger Upper Silesian" and then separately in the form of a booklet.

Authors and Affiliations

Jacek Lyszczyna


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How To Cite

Jacek Lyszczyna (2015). Ksiądz Antoni Stabik – poeta i podróżnik. Bibliotheca Nostra. Śląski Kwartalnik Naukowy, 39(1), 41-48. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-208329