The therapeutic potential of endocannabinoid system for acute and chronic pain
Journal Title: BÓL - Year 2015, Vol 16, Issue 2
The endocannabinoid system has been recently recognized as an important modulatory system. The endogenous cannabinoid system includes cannabinoid receptors, their endogenous ligands (endocannabinoids) and enzymes for their synthesis and degradation. Currently there is a heightened interest in their analgesic potential, although concerns about the safety of cannabinoids prevent clinical use. It is anticipated that modulating the activity of the endocannabinoid system turned out to hold therapeutic promise in a wide range of disparate diseases and pathological conditions including pain. Here, we provide a comprehensive overview on the current state of knowledge of the endocannabinoid system as a target of pain pharmacotherapy; we will discuss the latest discoveries on the subject of neuropathic pain treatment.
Authors and Affiliations
Magdalena Kostrzewa, Katarzyna Starowicz
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