
Urgency of the research. The problem of a post-colonial critic in contemporary humanitarian knowledge is important not only in the horizons of historical retrospections as well as in the context of relevant research. This toolkit allows us to explore the intrinsic intentions of a world-view paradigm that defines both the content of philosophy and international politics, and the course of daily practices and evaluations. The author's position is that the strategies of colonialism have not lost their relevance in the modern world. Not only in terms of discursive-narrative content. But the processes of globalization and unification of the modern world allow us to speak about the transformation of colonial technologies, the transgression of these operations, the expansion of the context and the plurality of the specification of their application. In fact, colonial strategies have gained more sophisticated forms of implementation. And the European policy of unity of diversity is a form of "soft management" technique in spreading and strengthening the sphere of influence. Target setting. Post-colonial critics do not focus exclusively on the study of the consequences of the colonial era. The main focus of research is the modern transformation in the implementation of colonial strategies, since the struggle for the spheres of influence and content of the ethical and axiological complex, which determines the course of social life in the modern world, is no less relevant than in previous eras. Actual scientific resear-ches and issues analysis. Post-colonial criticism includes a wide range of problematic issues, therefore, the attention of leading contemporary thinkers is attached to its problems. Louis Blond (2016) gives a rigorous assessment of postcolonial criticism by the example of the work of the famous philosopher E. Levinas. The author is convinced that ill-considered criticism threatens to become a unified doctrine of the spread of historical narratives. The discrepancy between the stated slogans and the real actions of the European Union's political elite condemns Gurminder K. Bhambra (2016). In this discourse, even the underlying categories and concepts are criticized. So, Leah Kalmanson (2015) substantiates the position that the concept of culture itself is a colonial phenomenon, because cultural differences and their research suggest a comparative approach, which in turn implies the existence of an example. Even the concept of tolerance and empathy fall into post-colonial critics. Jens Elze (2018) suggests that the political turning to the benefits of cultural difference is due to the feeling of empathy, one of the main positive motivations of our time. Lyn Carter (2006) explores the links between postcolonialist and scientific education methodology. Monika Bhagat-Kennedy (2018) is convinced that the methodology of postcolonialism has not lost its relevance in the present. As the main argument, the author gives examples of the activation of national movements in a number of countries of the world, where liberal and secular ideals are inferior to traditional and cultural. The philosophic discourse of postcolonialism and its intentions is offered by the well-known French thinker J. Derrida. He actualizes the meaning of differences, refuting the classical metaphysics of identity. Another well-known philosopher M. Foucault adds a component of genealogy as a method to the definition of discourse. The phenomenon of colonialism is interpreted in negative evaluative coordinates as archaic and illegitimate in contemporary humanitarian discourse. The research objectives. The main objective of the paper is to analyze the current transgressive state of postcolonial practices in view of the concept of European identity and its functions in the implementation of international politics. The statement of basic material. If we analyze the history of the formation of the European space, then the obvious is the ambiguity and uncertainty of its conceptual foundations. It is difficult to imagine Europe solely as a geographic project. Rather, it is a theoretical-ideological structure, which is the result of the work of prominent thinkers of the past. Or as an operationally effective strategy to implement the policy of colonialism, because the cultural and political component is dominant in defining the European one. Therefore, widespread thoughts on understanding Europe as a form of ideology, myth, discourse practice. Confirmation of this thesis may be the existing discrepancy between nominally articulated provisions and actual events and political decisions. The main content of these concepts form the idea of European values, historical and cultural, philosophical and world-view. However, this phenomenon is rather a reification of the abstraction of pure abstraction. In addition, the ideologues of the Old and New Europe contradict each other. If the traditional world-view paradigm of Europe postulates immutable substantive values, then non-classical post-colonial practice forms the discourse of the unity of diversity. We note only that the motivation for such a unification is the civilization-technological processes of globalization, which forms the axiological basis of a new ideology. That is, the rhetoric of the unity of the various is an integral part of the implementation of the policy of Eurocentrism, since engagement in the European space implies acceptance of the logic of relations and interaction, which are verified by European discourse as proper. Conclusions. 1. The urgency of post-colonial practices in a modern globalized world proves the unstable nature of the international political system. The struggle for sphere of influence in modern times is no less painful than in the past. Techniques for implementing political ambitions have changed, they have acquired non-classical forms of transgression. 2. The basis of post-colonial practices is the concept of European identity, which serves as the principle of verification for belonging to a particular social community. However, the very content of the European identity is controversial and ambiguous. Therefore, we have grounds to assert the colonial nature of the influence and application of this concept. 3. Post-colonial strategy of the present is based on the metaphysics of difference, and not on the metaphysics of identity. This explains the transformation of colonialist strategies on the principle of transgression, expansion of the sphere of influence and operationality of application. 4. Based on the above logic, traditional categories of culture, history and identity are questioned and discourse, narrative, empathy, and subjectivity are introduced into circulation. 5. Contradictions in the ideologies of Old and New Europe reflect the logic of the transition from traditional forms of colonialist strategies to non-classical transgressive principles of postcolonial discourse. 6. The analysis of the concept of European identity and the strategy for its re-engineering provide the prerequisites for understanding the concept of Europe as a myth, ideologie, necessary for the implementation of technologies for extending the sphere of influence through the practice of "soft management".

Authors and Affiliations

Olena Yatsenko


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  • EP ID EP612559
  • DOI 10.33930/ed.2019.5007.14(6)-3
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How To Cite

Olena Yatsenko (2019). THE TRANSGRESSION OF CONTEMPORARY STRATEGIES OF COLONIALISM. Освітній дискурс : збірник наукових праць, 14(6), 32-44.