this is your life…fenomen kulturowy GoPro
Journal Title: Kultura Popularna - Year 2016, Vol 2, Issue 48
The main subject of this article is the cultural(and to the marketing) phenomenon (especiallyin recent years) of sports camera , so‑called:actioncams. The author reconstructs the story ofthe rise and gaining leadership by GoPro. Theinvention of Nicolas Woodman becomes thestarting point for a reflection on the productionand processing of the image during totaldomination of digital media. Indicates pointscoincide with the culture of video draws attentionto the specific style of storytelling reallyusing this specific invention. Author alsodecribes cultural practices reflected in specificmarket movements (that is why we cantrat thisphenomenas a specific ‘GoPro culture’).<br/><br/>
Authors and Affiliations
Tomasz Bielak
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