Towards the rationality of statement and action, and the employment of mirror neurons in music education. Part I.
Journal Title: "Konteksty Kształcenia Muzycznego" - Year 2016, Vol 3, Issue 1
The main objective of the assumptions and reflections presented in the text is to indicate theneed for and provide a stimulus to a critical analysis (even revision) of parents’ and teachers’ behaviortowards their own, or entrusted to their care, children. The author finds the grounds for thetheses in the philosophical thought of Jürgen Habermas on the one hand, and on the other one– in the discovery of mirror neurons, located in our brains and determining imitative emotionalreactions. The text has been divided into two parts: “Towards the rationality of statement and actionin music education” and “Towards the employment of mirror neurons in music education”.In the first part, the author refers to the philosophical and social thought of Habermaswhen indicating the need for some modifications in teachers’ attitudes. Habermas’ theoryof a communicative activity makes the scientific basis for the need to rationalize interpersonalcontacts between a teacher and a pupil, as they are targeted to reach an agreementrather than exert power and have control.Rationalization is shown here as a sign of respect for those who co-exist; an intellectual bondmanifesting itself through expression of a truly fair, right and sincere judgment, as well as anaction manifesting itself through really high effectiveness.
Authors and Affiliations
Zdzisława Szczech
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