Trawy w życiu człowieka

Journal Title: Łąkarstwo w Polsce - Year 2016, Vol 19, Issue


The grasses are one of the most important and most numerous plant group on the world. To that family belong first of all cereals which provide the food for earth inhabitants and fodder crops present on natural and semi-natural grasslands on the all climatic zones and on the all continents. Cereals are still the main source of carbohydrates and protein, provide raw material for flour, malt, grain (barley, wheat, oat, maize, millet), alcohol and many other products. The four most important species (wheat, maize, rice and barley) are grown on the area about 520 million ha, it means 72% of total area of cereals. 75% of total energy need for human is covered by cereals and the annual cereal harvest exceeds 2 billion tonnes and probably during many year cereals will still play the key role in global food balance. Grasses are the base fodder in animal feeding. Milk and meat from animals fed by grasses not only fulfil the consumer expectations for the high nutrition value but usually are free from toxins and have the very good quality and sensors features. The feeding value of fodder grass is clear particularly during grazing.The use of grass biomass for bio-energy increases rapidly. For energy purpose is possible use now in UE from 9 to 15 million ha of grassland, it means 13–22% of their total area in Europe. Grasses could be treated as “ideal energy plants”. The very useful for energy purpose are first of all C4 grasses like Miscanthus sinensis, Miscanthus giganteus andother species like Panicum virgatum, Andropogon gerardii and Spartina pectinata.Due to high hemicelluloses and cellulose and low lignin contents grasses can be used as raw material for ethanol and biogas production (energy plant of II generation). The most productivity plant in that aspect is maize but ethanol production from permanent grassland could be from 700 to 4000 liters per ha.Recently in Europe non-forage use of grasses is observed. It could be distinguish agriculture use (seed production, source of nitrogen for other crops, weed control, grasses as a green fertilizer, as a cover crop in orchards, vineyards, the grass use in management of fallow lands, the sward production and utilization in sport and recreation). As an example of not agricultural grass use could be fiber production from Stipa, Phalaris, Phragmites, Agropyron cellulose and paper production, building materials for roof cover (green roofs).The high aesthetic value of some grass species let for using them not only for lawns and “gazons” establishing but for select some grasses as decorative and ornamental elements of landscape (Festuca, Kolearia, Miscanthus, Stipa, Bambus and other).The grassy ecosystems play also the important role in sustainable and ecological agriculture and in tourism or agro-tourism. Grasses are very important in animal feeding, economy, environmental protection, sociology and culture.

Authors and Affiliations

Piotr Stypiński


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How To Cite

Piotr Stypiński (2016). Trawy w życiu człowieka. Łąkarstwo w Polsce, 19(), 245-261.