Zróżnicowanie łąk zespołu Arrhenatheretum elatioris objętych programem rolnośrodowiskowym na Pogórzu Bukowskim
Journal Title: Łąkarstwo w Polsce - Year 2016, Vol 19, Issue
Based on 46 phytosociological relevés taken with the Braun-Blanquet method in the years 2008–2009 in meadows included in the environmental management scheme and located in the area of Bukowskie Foothills (Patria mountain peak), Arrhenatheretum elatioris representing typicum subassociation was distinguished along with its two variants and five sub-variants. Brown soils of the meadows under study were made of clay and dust. They could by characterized by varying pH, low phosphorus content, medium potassium content and high magnesium content. Vegetation patches of meadows under study differed in their localization in relation to the slope, as well as the slope exposure. To a small extent, they also differed in mean values of climatic (L, T) and edaphic (F, R, N) factors which were estimated with Ellenberg method. Lower than association units differed mainly in the degree of constancy and cover coefficient of most species. The presence of species representing the classes Trifolio-Geranietea and Festuco Brometea indicated warm habitats of the meadows under study. Taxa representing the Stellarietea mediae class and some of Artemisietea and Agropyretea are the remains of segetal communities which used to occur in crops growing on the Mount Patria. The Arrhenatheretum association in the study area was floristically richer than in other regions of the Podkarpackie region, which has been influenced by habitat conditions, lack of fertilization and introduction of extensive use which is the result of the environmental management scheme implementation. Utility value of the sward was good or very good due to the participation of valuable species of grasses and legumes. Low protein content of the meadow sward could have been affected by a lack of fertilization.
Authors and Affiliations
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