Trening funkcjonalny zawodników uprawiających sporty motorowe- cz. II
Journal Title: Rehabilitacja w Praktyce - Year 2017, Vol 1, Issue 4
The paper presents an example of a set of exercises that shape kinesthetic sense used in the functional training of speedway riders. Proprioception allows to correct the body in space, which seems to provide better results and less risk of injury. A well-developed sense of balance and good adaptability, which should defy gravity and acceleration of a motorcycle or bicycle, and moving a rider’s center of gravity are key elements that should be considered when planning the training. The proposed exercises are presented with regard to the starting position, the manner of their performance, as well as comments about their execution and mistakes that may occur during their performance. The exercises have been compiled on the basis of the professional experience of the authors.
Authors and Affiliations
dr n. med. Adam Maksymilian Pogorzała, mgr Jerzy Buczak, Bartosz Zmarzlik, Rafał Karczmarz
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