Uji Coba Pemanfaatan Software Soundcard Oscilloscope V1.40 untuk Praktikum Efek Dopler
Journal Title: Jurnal Penelitian Pembelajaran Fisika - Year 2016, Vol 7, Issue 1
Oscilloscope Soundcard Software V1.40 is software that can be used to display the sound in graphic form as well as the wavelength of the frequency spectrum. With these capabilities this software has the potential to be used as a measuring tool in the practical frequency Doppler effect. This paper reports the results of feasibility studies Oscilloscope utilization Soundcard Software V1.40 for lab Doppler effect. The purpose of this study was to obtain the frequency of use Oscilloscope Soundcard Software V1.40 and compare the experimental results with the theory. This study starts from the Software frequency response test to the sound source of known frequency. Then, proceed with the test frequency taanggapan the noise source is unknown frequency. After that, used to measure the frequency of the sound source when it is at rest and move. Last comparing experimental results with theoretical results according to the Doppler effect. Based on the experimental results and theoretical results is known that the chart pattern formed equally linear, whereas the difference in the results of both the smaller if the frequency of the sound is getting smaller. Thus oscilloscope software can be used for Practicum of Doppler effect.
Authors and Affiliations
Sigit Ristanto, Dwi Fajar Santoso
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Uji Coba Pemanfaatan Software Soundcard Oscilloscope V1.40 untuk Praktikum Efek Dopler
Oscilloscope Soundcard Software V1.40 is software that can be used to display the sound in graphic form as well as the wavelength of the frequency spectrum. With these capabilities this software has the potential to be u...