Use of the Prometheus system in the treatment of transplanted liver failure in the course of de novo HCV infection
Journal Title: Wideochirurgia i Inne Techniki Małoinwazyjne - Year 2006, Vol 1, Issue 2
Introduction: One of the main problems in patients after liver transplantation is infections with hepatotropic viruses. Especially dangerous is de novo HCV infection which may lead to graft loss. In this paper the authors present the case of a woman with rapidly developing syndromes of transplanted liver insufficiency in the course of de novo HCV infection. While waiting for urgent liver transplantation there were performed three procedures of liver supporting dialyses (FPSA – Fractionated Plasma Separation and Adsorption) using the Prometheus 4008H Fresenius Medical Care system which allowed improvement of patient status before liver retransplantation and outcome afterwards. Conclusions: 1. We believe that dialysis with the Prometheus system may significantly improve patient’s status in the group of patients with transplanted liver insufficiency waiting for retransplantation. 2. The authors presume transplanted liver insufficiency is a good indication to introduce treatment with the Prometheus 4008H system.
Authors and Affiliations
Anna Skwarek, Mariusz Grodzicki, Marcin Kotulski, Krzysztof Zieniewicz, Marek Krawczyk
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