The main heroes of Wincenty Korotyński and Janka Łuczyna’s works were simple people,
peasants - authors and bearers of main national elements. Just these people spoke Belorussian,
they cultivated customs and rituals of t...
Folk units as the special element of the modern cultural process are described in the article; the author takes into consideration the catch-words, anecdotes, parodies etc. Despite a lot of differences in the comparison...
Obraz chłopa w poematach Wincentego Korotyńskiego i Janki Łuczyny („Tomiło” i „Akwarelki myśliwskie z Polesia”)
The main heroes of Wincenty Korotyński and Janka Łuczyna’s works were simple people, peasants - authors and bearers of main national elements. Just these people spoke Belorussian, they cultivated customs and rituals of t...
Славянская идея : жанр политического послания в лирике Тютчева
Фольклорные маргиналии в белорусских медиа: cоздание и преодоление социальных мифов
Folk units as the special element of the modern cultural process are described in the article; the author takes into consideration the catch-words, anecdotes, parodies etc. Despite a lot of differences in the comparison...
Głagolica w rękopiśmiennej "Gramatyce słowiańskiej" Jana Użewicza z 1645 roku
Поэтика подтекста в драматургии М. Горького: пьеса Д ачники